Tuesday, September 23, 2008

day 5 (evening)

Still spewing. HAHA.


day 5 (afternoon)

i cheated and ate some lettuce and cabbage.

day 5 (afternoon)

I weighed myself in the morning, but didn't post.

Lot of skepticism from my friends about this. I still think it works (the cleansing part).


day 4 (evening)

Actually, it's 2am. I'm not even tired. Strange.

I didn't even finish the lemonade today; I probably left like 3 cups of it in the bottle. I tried to force myself to finish it, but I didn't want to.

Stuff is still "coming out" after not consuming any food for 4 days. Incredible!

cravings: ho bbang (sort of like a pancake-type thing with maple syrup-type stuff inside), pizza


Monday, September 22, 2008

day 4(afternoon)

I didn't have time to drink the laxative tea this morning. I'm just going to get some boiling water from the school cafeteria later this afternoon. I've been making my lemonade at night so it's ready to go in the morning; I carry around my nalgene bottle and just pour it so I can use throughout the day. I kept the gallon jug in the car; it's a bit warm in Chicago today, so I might mix in some ice for my next few servings.

I'm not going to ever do the salt water flush; I read a ton of bad things about it. It dehydrates you and although the flush is effective, it's not worth it. You can accomplish the same with the laxative tea (and it's not as bad for you.. and tastes a thousand times better).

My body might be adjusting or something; In the mornings and afternoons, I'm not hungry at all. I'm actually starting to enjoy this feeling of 'hunger' now. I forgot to write yesterday that I had a craving for pork.. like pork tenderloin or something. My tongue's still white.. I think I have to wait for that go away before I go further.

I don't get really hungry until night time, which is a reason I want to fall asleep earlier now. I'm going to resist any desires for a nap so that I can sleep before my hunger-time begins. Yesterday at about 12am (technically today?), I truly debated whether or not I wanted to go on. But If I'm on day 4 now, I'm more than halfway done (I'm gunning for 7 days, which is recommended for first-time lemonade-detox-diet-doers (or FT LDDD's for short). But fear not, I had a renewed desire to keep going this morning. Besides, I think the toughest days are behind me.

I'm going to do some light lifting tonight and going to try running tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I can get to sleep right after the MNF game tonight (I hope the Packers get shellacked).

One more thing: Cheats. I vicariously searched online for possible cheats to this diet and I read a variety of different answers. It seems that if you want the OPTIMAL results and get as much of the waste/toxins from your body out as possible, you should eat absolutely nothing except the lemonade and tea. But I read that if you have a dire need for food, some fresh fruits or veggies are okay. I think I'll try to get the optimal results, though.

I read about some post-diet items as well; you should "ease out" of the diet, as shown here. You don't want to dive right into solid foods. You want to gradually get back to it; day1: orange juice, day2: other fruit/veggie juices, day3: fruits/veggies, day4: regular foods/ live foods like grains recommended. Apparently, I was supposed to "ease in" to the diet as well (a reverse of the ease out), but I ate some ballpark food at Wrigley. Oh well.

cravings: pork tenderloin, peaches, fried egg

day 4 (morning)

So, I had a dream that I was in the kitchen with my family and they were all eating food while I drank my lemonade. I couldn't do it any longer and I snuck a few bites of some turkey sandwich or something. My desire for food is even infiltrating my dreams? Pretty sad.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

day 3(evening)

There were a lot of people eating a lot of good food around me today, as I was at church (people eating lunch, snacks, etc). The smell of food affects me, although I wasn't really hungry. If I stay busy doing something, I don't really feel the hunger. As I said earlier, I help out at church as a teacher/counselor, but I also help with multimedia things at church; this keeps me pretty busy.

Due to it being a busier day, I didn't have my first sip of my lemonade until about 3pm. I started to crave the drink; kind of weird, I know. I only brought a Nalgene bottle worth with me to church and I didn't end up finishing that until I was driving home. So, this led to a lot leftover that I had to finish while watching sunday night football. steelers and bears both lost; kinda sucks.

As for the hunger, it's not so bad unless I see or smell something; I really want to eat normal food again. I think I'll definitely eat healthier just so I don't have to go through such bothersome diets again.

My tongue's white.

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